
Our Embassy Mission

Our mission is to imbue our students with a life-long passion for learning and high standards of integrity. We seek to empower students to explore opportunities, to practice the core values of the school being respect, faith, toil and excellence.

We believe it to be the school’s primary task to foster in its community a life-long love of learning and a sense of responsible citizenship. We believe that as we move through the process of inquiry, decision-making and reflection, we develop an understanding of ourselves, of other people and our world.


of our students successfully graduate and begin their career development.

Our Embassy Vision

Our vision is to ensure that each student walks out of our campus equipped with a value enriched curriculum. We endeavor to build people who contribute to building a strong community with courage and passion.

The school has a deep desire to make its students emotionally strong, academically sound, well groomed and above all excellent, selfless, noble human beings who would make a difference in this world. That is what we perceive for our students

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Courage